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Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to: flash recovery image in Android phone

written by: rebox360
date: 4/16/11

ok, i almost forget to show you guys how to flash the recovery image but one of my youtuber friend requested me to show how to do this.. and i am doing this once again in my phone for you guys....

right now, i will be flashing R.A dream version 1.7.0.. and you can download over here..
R.A dream 1.7.0

  1. Download it.
  2. Copy to the root of sdcard and make sure you know the full name of that file. its the image file
  3. Go to the phone and open the better terminal or terminal emulator. if you don't have that go to the market and you can download it for free.. install that and open it
  4. After that open and type su, hit enter (su stands for superuser)
  5. and one window will pop off and hit always allow...
  6. and type flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery RA dream 1.7.0.img    (make sure the name is correct after the sdcard/)
  7. if you did right symbol will come... 
  8. reboot your phone in recovery mode...if you don't know how to reboot check this one... REBOOT.
  9. and you did it.....

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