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Sunday, March 20, 2011

how to: apps2sd

ok guys, this post is all about making partition of your sd card and moving your apps to the sdcard.
making partition and moving all your apps to the sdcard will help you to run your phone little faster and it will make free space in your phone which will obviously helps your phone to run faster.

so, to get started just download the required file first and we can move forward. The followings are the required file: 
mini partition

1. install the mini partition in your computer to make partition.
2. open the software that you install.
and there you can see your sdcard.
3. delete the partion of sdcard and right click and create the partition as primary and file size as fat32.
4. Select "File System:" FAT32 when you have 4GB or greater card.

5. Select "File System:" ext2 - for App2SD
Select "File System:" swap to make swap :)
6. finally, click "apply" button on top left corner.
partitions will be created and card will be formatted.

If you want to create both: do not assign all the space for the first one :) this way you will have space for creating second one.

7. after you are done close the application and mount your sdcard to your phone and mount to the computer via usb
8. extract the in the root of sdcard.
9. unmount the sdcard
10. in your computer run cmd and type the following:
"Note: if you don't know why it's not working because you haven't setup the adb on your computer. To do that see how to do adb"

cd androidsdk/tools
then type 
adb shell
 then type
sh /sdcard/

you'll be presented by this screen...
|*Welcome To wolfilein's App2sd *|
|*installing script *|

~this version should be go on any device ~

|* Menu *|
|* *|
|*[0] install app2sd *|
|* *|
|*[2] exit *|

now just press the enter key & wait.

Important : Make sure to set your phone screen timeout to the max because Superuser will ask for your permission to allow this script to run. If your 
screen goes blank, you can't see this prompt and the installation will fail.

after a while you'll get this..

busybox is /system/bin/busybox
rm failed for /etc/, No such file or directory
| finished going reboot now |

the both messages above doesn't mean that your installation has failed

Finally after a reboot, your phone is ready with app2sd. From now on when you install any applications it will save into your sd card.

Disclaimer : Do this at your own risk. I will not responsible for any damage. i succeded. 

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